About Us

Dr. I.P. Agrawal

Dr. I. P. Agrawal is a full time Consultant, Spine & Joint Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur at Shekhawati Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur, visiting consultant, Shalby Hospital, Jaipur. He has experience of more then 18 years in the field of spine surgery in Jaipur. His perticular interest is Endoscopic Spine procedures. He also deals with spine trauma, spine tumors, spine infection and deformity spine surgeries.

He passed Master of Surgery (Orthopedics) in year 2000 from SMS Medical College, Jaipur.

He was awarded MRCS (Member of Royal College of Surgeons) GLASGOW (UK) in year 2005.

Spine fellowships :

  • Endocopic Spine Surgery Fellowship (South Korea)
  • Advance Spine Surgery Fellowship (Malaysia)
  • Depuy Synthes Spine Fellow (China)
  • Minimal Invasiv Spine Surgery Fellowship (Bombay)
  • Deformity Correction Spine Surgery Training (Delhi)

Dr. Agrawal has been trained in Endoscopic Spine Surgery perticularly PSLD technique under Mentorship of Pioneer of PSLD Prof. Kangteak Lim at world famous endoscopic spine centre at Seoul, South Korea.

Spine & Joint Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur

Spine Surgeries

  • Endoscopic Slipped Disk Surgeries
  • Lumber Canal Stenosis
  • Spine Fractures
  • Spine Tuberculosis
  • Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty
  • Spine Tumors
  • Spine Injections
  • Radiofrequency Ablations
  • Annuloplasty
  • Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy

Profesion Membership

  • AO Spine
  • APSS (Asia Pecific Spine & Joint Replacement Surgeons Society)
  • ASSI (Association of Spine & Joint Replacement Surgeons if India)
  • Jaipur Medical Association
  • Indian Medical Association
  • Private hospital and Nursing Home Society
  • Private Practitioner Society.

About Dr. I.P. Agrawal

Spine & Joint Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur

Dr. I.P. Agrawal

Sr. Spine & Joint Replacement Surgeon
Speciality Endoscopic Spine & Joint Replacement Surgeon
Qualifications MS (Orthopedics)
  • Endocopic Spine Surgery Fellowship (South Korea)
  • Advance Spine Surgery Fellowship (Malaysia)
  • Depuy Synthes Spine Fellow (China)
  • Minimal Invasiv Spine Surgery Fellowship (Bombay)
  • Deformity Correction Spine Surgery Training (Delhi)

Procedures & Treatments

We diagnose various ailments and diseases and offer specialized treatments or perform procedures to help you tackle your condition better or recover faster.

Send us enquiry to know more about any specific treatment or procedure that you are looking for.
Some of the procedures routinely done at our clinic are listed below.

Disc Prolapse
Spinal Canal Stenosis
Spinal Fractures
Spinal Injection
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Knee Replacement
Hip Replacement
Knee Hip Arthroscopy

Health Info

With changing lifestyles, the small household chores have become the workouts for most of us. When not done properly, however, these cause more harm than good. The spine often bears the brunt of this damage. Read on to know if you are damaging your spine on a daily basis. If yes, time to change the way you do these activities.

  • Carrying shopping bags: While two bags might look more expensive, carrying one bag tilts the weight to one side and causes the spine to bend. Instead, opt for two small bags, and this weight distribution is friendly on the spine.
  • Cleaning the floor: Either sit down completely or stand and use a mop. Never bend down and try to clean the floor with a cloth. The spine posture created during this is very unhealthy and puts pressure on the spine.
  • Tying up shoe laces: While it is difficult to sit down and tie the shoe laces, it is definitely worth the effort. Bending down and tying is harmful to the spine posture, and when repeatedly done, can be damaging in the long run.
  • Washing vessels: Bending and washing vessels is a strict no-no. It puts too much pressure on the back and the disk wears out faster. Try standing and keep a stool at knee level, on which you can rest the knee. Take turns to do this on the right and left knee.
  • At the washbasin: Bending down to brush the teeth or wash face is bad on the spine. Over a long period, this can put lot of strain on the spine. Try to rest your hand on the wall or the sink and see the pressure on the spine reduce.
  • Office/school bags: It is very easy to sling a bag onto the shoulder and go on. The bag could contain books of a school kid or laptop of an office goer, whatever may be the situation, this puts uneven pressure on the back and can cause shoulder and spine issues. Always try to put the bag on both your shoulders. This distributes the weight and makes it easy on your shoulders and spine. Especially for people who are going to do some walking with the bag, it is definitely not advisable to carry it on one side.
  • Sitting: For those who end up sitting for long hours, there is too much stress on the back and so support is advisable. Take short breaks and avoid sitting for more than an hour at a stretch.
  • Bad mattress: While a soft mattress is very inviting, it does not support the spine and does not leave you fresh in the morning. Choose a mattress that supports the spine and see the difference. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a General Physician.

News & Events


Shekhawati Hospital & Research Centre
Shekhawati Hospital
A/2 National Handloom Road opposite Time square, Central Spine, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302039
Tel: +91 9414779572

Timing: Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm

E-mail Id: adarshspine@gmail.com, indraprakash.agrawal@shalby.in
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